Posted by Jeff in North Texas on Wednesday, July 04, 2007 at 21:26:22 :
In Reply to: Re: Not a well driller posted by Doc Dave on Wednesday, July 04, 2007 at 20:47:12 :
Normally, with that type rig, with the augers, you just drill until you hit the rock. My guess is that they used that auger rig to determine the depth of overbuden they would have to remove to get to the rock they were mining. Auger rigs are not good at all for drilling into anything solid, like rock. I spent a good amount of time behind auger rigs for about 25 years.
They do make some rather agressive bits you can install on an auger to drill into rock, but it is slow going and not very effecient at all.
We would drill with the augers until we hit solid rock. We used a hollow auger, so when we hit rock, we could drop a core barrell and drill rod right down the auger and keep going. The auger acted as a casing to keep the hole open through the soft ground. This little rig in the sale, is not equiped to handle hollow auger. In fact, that rig will work you to death if you plan to drill over about 25 or 30 feet in depth.
Believe me, I know from experience !. Now, I know this is probably more info. than you really wanted.