Posted by Lem on Monday, July 02, 2007 at 21:35:50 :
In Reply to: street legal? posted by DoDgE BoY - MaDe in the USA on Monday, July 02, 2007 at 13:28:41 :
Your state laws will dictate. Some states require mudflaps and fenders...some do not. If you pan on doing that you should at bare minimum go hydro assist...people can tap your existing box.
I do not buy the "did not come from the factory so its not legal..guess Paul(NY) would be SOL, any one that modded a truck would be outta luck V8, discs, custom bumper, locking hubs .... Now LIABILITY is another issue...can you stop it or can you steer it to avoid a collision? Most vintage truck registration in the USA allows you to "get by" on mods and a lack of safety features...the real question is can you afford to deal with an accident caused by that modification both on fiancial and personal level if you hurt someone?
Just a thought..... Lem