Posted by Donald F. Blair on Friday, June 29, 2007 at 22:06:43 :
Like I said in an earlier post, like Rip Van Winkle, I've awakened and I'm working dilgently to get my collection back underway. The 58 has sat for 3 years under cover, fortunately, the mice have left it alone. I drained the gas completely, disconnected the fuel line at the carburetor, pumped out all the old gas, put in a few quarts of fresh, pumped that through to flush out any remaining bad fuel, attached new line and a new filter and fired the old girl up. She sounded great, a lot of smoke was coming from where it shouldn't and saw that the muffler had gained some new holes - no bigge.
Put her in reverse to back out of the barn and the fun began. Possessed, the vehicle refused to respond to any clutch commands and I quickly realized that the clutch is stuck. Fortunately, I had a straight shot out of the barn and at this point the main reason she got parked came apparent - no brakes! Again, fortunately, I'm on level ground with several acres to manuever in.
I tried backing up and going forward and tried 1st, 2nd and reverse, but I couldn't break it loose.
Any suggestions? the truck is going to have to be towed to the shop for it's brakes anyways, so worst case scenario isn't all that bad, but I'd like to know how to deal with this for future reference if not for this case. Thanks
Don Blair
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