Posted by Ugg (in Uggville) at IL on Wednesday, June 20, 2007 at 11:37:57 :
In Reply to: Re:The Quick Correct way posted by mike stone Idaho (aka COTWM) on Wednesday, June 20, 2007 at 08:41:58 :
Hi Mike:
Reluctantly, I am coming to the realization that to get any decent tires for my D, I'm gonna have to break down & get new rims. Being that my D came with 17" rims, the ONLY damn tires I can find for them are those DAMN rubberband tires that are worthless to me.
Being that you ARE the tire man, maybe you can tell me if my thinking is all wet. What I want & feel I need is a tire with a hefty sidewall as I tend to drive over things like curbs, rocks, wood beams, the occasional person (just joking on that).
What with the trend of rubberband tires (small sidewalls), well, my thinking says I'd suffer rim damage as I attempt to drive over these obstacals, and end up with many flats.
Don't suggest a driving habit change as sometimes, these things are unavoidable. I feel that the larger sidewall will minumize any damage to the rim, and halp to keep air in my tires.
That being said, I've seen tire/rim combos out there and they have the #'s like I mentioned. I WANT a wider tire as I like to have as much rubber on the road as possible. I'm funny that way. Now the #'s I posted before are just made up but what I had seen was the same size except for the 50 or 70 part. Which would be wider? I hope I'm FINALLY making myself clear.