Posted by Andy (in MI) on Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 00:56:19 :
In Reply to: 300k mile american cars exist aplenty in cuba! posted by mannyc on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 22:08:23 :
Finally, somebody that gets it!! I laugh when I hear about how well hydrogen would be to power vehicles, and how it's all around us in water. But, the only economical way to separate the hydrogen and oxygen in water is through electrolysis. I guess we'll have to burn more coal to do it!!
I think since the introduction of catalytic converters on vehicles in the 1970s has a lot to do with how, now there is too much CO2 in the air today. Over 100 years of internal combustion engines and all of a sudden the last 15 years of the 30 years that these converters have been installed are now the hottest on record. I feel they have simply exchanged one problem for another!!
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