Posted by Rob Steller on May 17, 2000 at 22:07:57:
In Reply to: What are the pro's/con's of Transfercase driven PTO posted by Rick on May 17, 2000 at 12:01:29:
I have winches driven by transfer case PTO on my '63and '58 W-300's. On these rigs you can use the winch in conjuction with the wheels (transfer case in 4Hi or 4lo) to get the truck unstuck, or you can put the transfer in neutral and use the winch to raise or lower objects by selecting any forward speed or reverse on the transmission. I've used low to pull rocks, stumps, etc. and higher gears to pull ditch witches up grades to steep for it to work correctly on it's own. Transmission mounted PTO winches only permit speed change by throttle setting, and do not have a reverse option unless it is a bidirectional PTO. I think the transfer PTO is a more versatile configuration. They were on the non-flat fender power wagons from '57 to late '60s I think.