Posted by R.Davis on May 17, 2000 at 01:40:58:
In Reply to: 1959 WM-300 had high bid of $21,000.00 at Kruse/Auburn, In. Autction. Read On! posted by Tim L. on May 16, 2000 at 19:33:27:
Let the greedy suffer and the loyalist prosper!Restore for fun or function,not for profit! The pioneer PW owners who where brought together for need of spare or NOS parts and Gordon Maney's PWA publication,revered these trucks not only for their physical appeal,but their functional attributes.The johnny come lately hobbiest and collector,have been a doubled edged sword.While they have been a great help where reproduction parts are concerned,they have driven the price of a desent functional PW almost beyond reasonable prices.Bargains are still to be had, but for how long? It seems the greedy profiteers who drove the prices of 60's & 70's muscle cars out of reach of the common joe, have found their way into our PW circle!