OT: Politics.

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Posted by Ugg (in Uggville) at IL on Tuesday, May 08, 2007 at 08:08:17 :


Like many of you out there, I am tired of hearin all this garbage from various politicians about how they're gonna save us from ourselves. Then they just sit there and get fat off of us. They lie cheat and steal from us and we end up payin over and over again.

I'm also tired of hearin "The Dem's are goona screw us." or "The Repub's are gonna screw us." It usually is one of us spouting off one party or the others particular agenda and generally, we'll get screwed no matter which way it goes.

Now some may not like what I say next but to bad. It ain't the Dems fault or the Repubs fault, it's our own damn fault! We have gotten to damn fat & lazy and don't want to get involved. Now let me say this, I HATE POLITICS & POLITICIANS! You have no idea how deep that feeling is, and to me, HATE is a very strong word.

That being said, if we don't like the way something is going, we need to stand and be counted. We need to do something about whatever we don't like. To except is to die.

I don't know what's happening in other states, but here in the great state of Illinoissssss, the illegals are tryin to get drivers licenses. I urge any of you folk out there from Illinoissss to contact your local politician and tell em to vote NO on HB1100 and Senate Bill 1751.

Further more, Illinois is one of the FEW states where English is the offical language. This ain't enough, it NEEDS to be a Federal law! Now come on, we're SUPPOSED to be a country BY the people, FOR the people. That means WE have to get off our dead butts and DO something!

WE have to show these politicians who the boss really is. They seem to think they're the ones in charge. That ain't the way it's supposed to be. Remember BY the people & FOR the people? We're the people. WE, WE, WE, WE, US, US, US, US!

I would also like it if EVERYONE out there would contact their local politician and bug the crap out of em to make English the offical language of this country. I know there's some lawyers out here in PW Land. How's about some of you lawyers file discrimination suits with the EEOC sayin that the use of Spanish in addition to English is discriminitory to all the other cultures out there? It's either English ONLY, or ALL languages.

I now pass my soapbox to the next person.


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