Posted by Ron M. in AB on Saturday, April 14, 2007 at 22:54:36 :
In Reply to: RonM posted by Paul (in NY) on Saturday, April 14, 2007 at 21:55:59 :
I got right in there and there is absolutely no circuit protection on anything! I bought this beast 3 months ago and finally got time to work on it. Anyway, each wire off the ign sw was cut and taped back together minus the circuit breakers! I put insurance on it 2 days ago and here I've been driving it around without a smoke detector in the cab! Reminds me of a funny story...
I worked for years at a place called Fort Ignition doing auto electrical, generators,alternators,starters,magnetos,carbs,distributors,etc. One day an old farmer brings in this generator off his pet tractor,a little 8N Ford. He said "You know,it was charging good on the gauge, but there was lots of straw and crap packed in the back of the gen. There was lots of smoke pouring out of it but it was charging.All of a sudden the smoke stopped coming out of it, and it didn't work anymore!" I kept a poker face because he was a great old guy and had done business with us for years. I said "Yes Bill, we'll clean 'er up and wing 'er on the test bench and see what's going on. Give you a call as soon as we know." When he walked out the door, the rest of the guys who'd overheard all this started chuckling. We got company shirts made up with a picture of a generator on them that said FORT IGNITION and below the gen,BECAUSE WHEN THE SMOKE STOPS COMING OUT OF IT, IT DOESN'T WORK ANY MORE. It still makes me chuckle.
I'm going to install an ATO style fuse block. That way I can use "push in" spade type circuit breakers. I'll check out that spot you mentioned, thanx Paul.
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