Posted by pertronixmannyc on Friday, April 13, 2007 at 16:22:04 :
In Reply to: Pertronix Electronic Ignition Question posted by Gary (IA) on Friday, April 13, 2007 at 15:57:02 :
id call pertronix directly. give them the dist number and they will tell you how to proceed. you'll likely need to return the wrong one to vintage and source the correct one from someone who stocks them. i have a pertronix in a dist for a 360 dodge with vacuum advance so i know they are compatible with vacuum dists. my command car dist has no advance but has a petronix kit.
its too bad that the amazing mopar electronic distributor kit isn't available for a flathead dist. according to mopar norm (who intimated that i was cheap and foolish for using a petronix in my trucks), the mopar kits are much better than the pertronix. too bad mopar doesnt support all of their engines and leaves it to the inferior petronix manufacturer to take up the slack! sorry for the rant but mopar norm slammed be below for no apparent reason.
pertronixmannyc - see add your name after a product or brand and you are an instant expert too!
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