Posted by David Sherman on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 20:35:35 :
In Reply to: Re: Once in a while somebody "gets it". posted by 74W300uteline on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 20:01:11 :
That makes sense. I was used to noise, weak signals, and delays on long-distance calls, but the dropouts and other weirdnesses are something new. I'm surprised big companies are using VOIP for their call centers, though. Why don't they just stop pretending they have customer service, and tell you right up front that if you have a problem with their product or service, too bad, they don't want to hear about it. It'd be more honest than making you "talk" to a voice recognition machine that never works, so that you can get on hold for a long time listening to synthesized voices telling you how much they appreciate your business and how you should really just look at their website, and then when you finally get someone, you can't understand them and they can't understand you anyway or if by some miracle you can understand each other, they can't do anything about your problem.