Posted by Eric B. on Tuesday, April 03, 2007 at 09:43:05 :
In Reply to: Re: what's in the water, high jack prices posted by Kevin in Ohio on Tuesday, April 03, 2007 at 09:07:14 :
The same buyer just bought this for $15 out of my store.
Just a couple more peices to go and they will have everything.
These jack set-ups pop up from time to time, but they are almost never with the trucks, and they are hard to find in any condition.
I think Marty did well, and the buyer should be happy with the set, it looks like a nice one to me. Classic case of Market deciding the value of an item, if there were tons out there for less money Marty would have been stuck with his starting bid. Since they are not very many of these out there Marty got decent money out of his. It sure is nice to be able to Supply a Demand!
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