Posted by Steve Fay on Sunday, March 25, 2007 at 09:16:45 :
Hi there... I was reading the posts and thought I would put my 2 cents worth in. Without getting into a long post, I'll try and give you some help with what you may be interested in regarding wire rope. For multiple or repetetive winching, the industry standard is 6x19 IWRC (6 outer wires with up to 26 strands per wire and a wire rope core.) That being said, there is a ton of new high performance cable out there. The leading industry is the crane and rigging manufacturers. For example,try: another site is here: ttp://
I run a small crane company and have 22 years with the Warwick Fire Department.(Warwick RI) So I can appreciate your inquiry. One other thing, the leader chain should be grade 80 or better and I would shackle it to a becket on the cable. This allows for a more rapid deployment (cuts down on weight as well as gives you some versatility with multiple parts capability). If need be, multiple parts can be reeved in an extreme recovery. If the leader is permanetly attached, then the versatility is restricted. I have taken up enough space so if you have any other quetions, e-mail me and I can give you a ton of info. Oh one safety note...when winching, throw an old salvage cover or heavy canvas over the winch line...this will act as a shock absorber and stop the cable from whipping if it snaps.
Best to all,
Steve Fay