Posted by chriscase on Saturday, March 17, 2007 at 22:48:04 :
In Reply to: Re: oil filter/should the oil drain back? posted by Terry in Bozrah on Saturday, March 17, 2007 at 15:34:48 :
High fitting, to high fitting.
Oil comes out from the upper galley, into the side of the filter, out the bottom of the filter to the spool valve. The end of the spool valve relieves the excess presure when the valve moves outward, and the spool section allows the oil from the filter to dump into the pan.
Backwards, like Terry's, will filter OK. But won't have as much room for the sludge to build up inside the element, as the proper way, where the sludge can build up outside of the element. The sludge can be drained out that pipe plug down low.
I needed 3 pics in two Motors manuals to see this. Somebody here does post the one pic showing all that, from time to time.
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