Posted by Ugg (in Uggville) at IL on Saturday, March 17, 2007 at 10:05:55 :
In Reply to: To Bio or not to Bio, that is the question... posted by MoparNorm on Friday, March 16, 2007 at 19:13:04 :
Even though I DO (and have almost always) believe that we effect the environment around us, I have NEVER bought into this global warming thing (other than to bug Nammy). I always thought it as political, another way for the powers that be to keep us down and under control.
We're easy targets. We can't aford the big groups of lawyers, and we're basically stupid sheep. We're easlily swayed but whatever the current trend is today. I can cite many examples, but I'll use earings.
30 years ago, if a guy wore and earing, he'd be verbally chastised or even worse. Now, these very same individuals (that were the most verbal) have multipal piercings all over their bodies. Why? Because it's the trend.
I wonder if EVERY private runned vehicle were to stop running today, all at once, would there be a noticable effect to the environment? I doubt it. It would on the economics of those individuals, but that's all.
Anyone ever see the old Twilight Zone show entitled "How Best To Serve Mankind"? It was about these space aliens that came to earth and showed us how to make things better and then also offered us relocation to their uptopian planet. Makes ya think.... It showed how easliy swayed we as a species are. Just like sheep, or lemmings. ;>)
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