Posted by Dana on Friday, March 09, 2007 at 12:40:19 :
In Reply to: For several years I have been posted by Jack Cain on Friday, March 09, 2007 at 11:40:23 :
Here in Rural-Nebraska, we leave the keys in our vehicles... who the heck is gonna’ steal anything - you all know each other and each other’s kids! Not to mention, if some thief/escaped-con really needs a ride, he doesn’t have to hold you at gun-point, just take the darn thing! (Of course, most of these farm vehicles won’t do over 50-55mph, not really the best of get-away cars...) Or, you may have a neighbor whose tractor breaks down, he can borrow your car to go get gas or go for help. He’ll bring it back and odds are he’ll more than likely put gas in it for you as a "thank you".
Yeah, we may be hicks (or "Hillbillies" in Judd’s case) but we like it that way.
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