Posted by Doc Dave on Thursday, March 01, 2007 at 06:51:05 :
In Reply to: Personal, need some prayer posted by richard bowman on Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 23:51:29 :
The advice I will give you is in no way a knock on your doctors or specialists there.
However, before you are forced to being placed on narcotic pain medications (hydrocodone, oxycontin) for the rest of your life, you should strongly consider going to a national medical center like the Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins for example.
At these places are the best specialists in the world. If they can't help you, no one can.
One time I was being treated by a specialist for over a year for a medical condition. I was not getting better, it was simply "maintenance".
I decided to go to a different specialist in another city. He diagnosed a different cause/treatment and I was able to recover.
Point is, you are only 40. Therefore you sould be aggressive in seeking out more opinions from the best people in the world toward a more permanent treatment, than say someone who is 80, where medication for the rest of their life makes sense vs surgery or other regimes.
Your doctor could help arrange you going to a place like I mentioned. It happens all the time.
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