Posted by Bill on Thursday, March 01, 2007 at 01:26:41 :
In Reply to: Personal, need some prayer posted by richard bowman on Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 23:51:29 :
I have same symptons different locations, I'm a firefighter 26 yrs. and have been off work for last three months. I haven't taken pain pills but probably should. I have a prescription anti-inflamitory called Etodolac 500mg gives some relief. Kicks in in about 15-20 minutes lasts about 4-5 hrs.(It's amazing) I've had this condition for about 15 yrs. much worse the last 7 yrs. I manage the pain with heat (A.M. hot shower) and believe it or not if I stay some what active feels the best. When I do nothing it seems to exaserbate. Working on your P.W. probably kicks your butt but good therapy. I've learned to live with it and kind of mentally block it out but its always there and is physically visible to others by my walk and posture. I got a checkup from the neck up (attitude adjustment) and I've decided I'm not going to let it ruin or limit my life. It sounds like you have alot of things to be thankful for with your wife kids and the new baby. My wife has Multipls Sclerosis and is bed ridden. When she starts whining I tell her it could be alot worse, you could be in a mud hut in Afganistan, I'm sure there are some people over there with that disease. It pisses her off when I say that but when you get our age its all between your ears. Thats the only thing that really works.
I know what your going through with the pain and I hope you find what it takes to manage it. When we were young we use to be bullet proof not no more, we had our day it the barrel and I'm thankful for those experiences, and looking forward to the new ones a coming. Just remember, every day's the Super Bowl, and thank God for your health.