Posted by Bob Thompson on Thursday, February 22, 2007 at 18:11:10 :
In Reply to: OT Dealing with Nigerians posted by apb on Thursday, February 22, 2007 at 15:09:32 :
After the first couple of Ebay auctions generated a mountain of Nigerian scam offers, I added a disclaimer to my auctions.
"Former Nigerian heads of state , Generals , Diplomats and their minions and lackeys are invited to take a hike. Your bids will be cancelled out of hand. Further , If it were in my power to do so. I would burn down your hut, Salt your fields and sell your unfortunate progeny for laboratory experiments."
This simple statement survived several auctions until the crack team at Ebay noticed and canceled a couple auctions because of my disclaimer. I refer to them as a "Crack" team because I believe that to be what they were smoking at the time.
Nigerians may not be the inventors of the internet scam but they certainly honed it to a fine art.