Posted by Tim Holloway on Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at 21:40:30 :
Well, after dinner I was sitting nice and warm next to the woodstove, with a full belly and quite contented. A nagging little thought kept entering my mind that my Power Wagon was out in the cold, windy blizzard. It just didnt seem fair after all the hard work she had done this afternoon to just leave her there in a snow drift. So I put on some wool pants, nylon pants, bunny boots, gaiters, my arctic carhart jacket hat and gloves. Strapped on snowshoes and took a sled and started for the shop to get the battery booster. Broke trail for about 250 yards to the shop, I will tell you that is not easy! Got the booster and a cord and started back. Going back was easier as I was on the trail I made going out. Made it back to the truck and got the charger connected. Then, before plugging in the charger I decided to give it a try. She fired right up. I wish I had thought to try it on my way by the first time. I let her warm up while I put the charger, cord and sled into the back of the truck. Went to lift the plow and it was frozen into the bank. I once broke an axle trying to free a frozen plow blade by jerking it back and forth so I was not going to do that again. Out into the blizzard again, took the shovel out of the pioneer rack and dug out around the blade. It was over 4 feet deep in front of the blade as I was pushing when I stopped. Got her dug out and free, she came right up and I managed to get her turned around and headed back to the shop. Couldnt see worth beans and was concerned I would drive off the edge of my bridge but I made it back into the shop just fine. Chains on all 4 are essential and I sure wish I had my air locker installed in the front. Next on the list!
Now everyone is back cozy and life is good!
going to get the backhoe out in the morning and start the cleanup. Supposed to snow all night.
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