Posted by Tim Holloway on Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at 18:51:06 :
In Reply to: Snow, Snow, Snow and More Snow posted by Paul (in NY) on Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at 15:40:59 :
Hi Paul,
I had the power Wagon out late this afternoon. My neighbor down the road is a State Trooper, and his wife watches Claire in the afternoons, (and on snowdays). When I dropped Claire off this morning Gary (the Trooper) asked me if I could help him get his new Kubota tractor going after he got off his shift this afternoon. His diesel is gelled and i will start and run about a minute then sputter and die. Definatly not my area of expertise. At 5:30 I took the Power Wagon out of the shop and was amazed at how deep the snow was. (I was inside the shop all day) Even with all 4 wheels chained it was a struggle to get out the driveway, with the plow in the fill up position! I went down the road and got Gary plowed out, 4 headlights blazing, the spotlight aimed forward and 2 aircraft landing lights on in the rear. Its nice to see what you are doing when you plow. I got them cleaned up and picked up Claire and we headed home. It was all I could do to find my own driveway, only an hour after I pulled out. I took one pass down the driveway, across my bridge and into a previous pile of snow. The stop threw Claire, who was not holding on like she was told, against the dashboard. I took my attention off the truck to sooth her tears (she was not hurt) and the truck stalled. When I turned the key, she just let out a groan. Amperage out had exceeded amperage in! Then a feeble light came on in my head. Next time, I should have turned my battery selector switch to battery 1 instead of Both. Then I would have had a fresh battery to continue on. Still learning the ins and outs of some of the new improvements! The best part, is that I stalled about 6 feet from a power pole that has my meter on it, and I once installed an outlet under the meter. Tomorrow I will drag the charger out and plug right in. When I got out of the truck, the snow was brushing against a certain place that snow shouldnt be brushing against! Glad I wasnt wearing a kilt. My inseam is 32" and add a couple inches for the boot. This is supposed to keep up all night. I put Claire on my back and walked the hundred yards to the house, whew! Pushing through the snow with a 55 pound kid isnt easy.
I will probably break out the backhoe for the major cleaning tomorrow.
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