Posted by Clint Dixon on Sunday, February 11, 2007 at 18:40:09 :
I bought a short handled round nose shovel yesterday that caught my eye right away. It is obviously old and the price was in line with yard sale pricing. What got my attention was the split wood handle where it Y's out to the hand grip. I have a scoop shovel like this that was my grandfather's, and another longer handled square nosed shovel of the same vintage, so I know they are older than I am. I got it home and got to thinking about the 1/2-ton pioneer rack I picked up last year. Sdure enough the shovel fits into it perfectly. That got me to looking a little closer. It has the name "Bantam 2" stamped into the steel. I know this is s long shot, but could this be the Bantam company of WWII fame that made the trailers? Could they ahve produced shovels also for the pioneer racks. Maybe this is a WWII era shovel?
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