Posted by Tim on April 18, 2000 at 02:21:19:
In Reply to: Need wheel info. please. Are they sellable or not? posted by Doug Higgins on April 18, 2000 at 00:28:26:
I assume that you are talking about a Brake Drum and not a wheel. The wheel is what the tire is mounted on. The brake drum goes on before the tire and wheel does. Generally, the brake drum is marked on the outside of the drum what the maiximum allowable diameter is. Also, When there is a brake drum involved, it is the "Brake Shoe" that rides against the drum. On Disc brake equipped vehicles it is the "Brake Pad" that rides against the Rotor. On some 14" Drums it may be marked 14.060, 14.090 or even 14.120. You are saying that it mics. out at 14.130 so it sounds like it may be time to get rid of them. Before you do that you need to check either the drum, the model year manual and look up the specs. or go to a machine shop/Auto Parts Store that has a Brake Lathe. They usually have a Reference guide and most of the guides go back quite a ways. Also, if they are the type of brake drum that has a hub in it where wheel bearings go into then you want to be careful not to get rid of the hub assembly, just the drum itself if it is worn out. Most hubs can be removed with using a brass drift and ball peen hammer to knock the lug nut studs out which in most cases is what is holding the brake drum and hub together. Some hubs will need to be pressed out on a hydraulic press at a machine shop. Hope this helps!