Posted by SHERMAN BARNETT on April 10, 2000 at 22:33:18:
Ill try and post a picture tomarrow but I dont have anyones
e-mail address.The truck is an old millitary truck
(That is what I was told) But it dose not have flat fenders. The guy that had it was driving it but threw a rod, and sold it to the guy I got it from(I know them both)
The guy I got it from bought another motor and put it in but he is no mechanic and could not get it running. I traded for it and it had only set for a 2 of months but the motor stuck tight.
I havent fooled with it much, so Im not sure what is wrong. But all in all its not a bad looking truck. I have a stack of papers from Chrysler Motors Corporation on POWER WAGON PARTS LIST dated Jan.30 1956 Im not sure what Im looking at but it seems to be every part on the truck. The truck looks just like the one at the top of this message board, exsept no bed and dulwheels. Im no expert on older truck so you will have to see it or ask more spesivic qestions....I live in McArthur Ohio witch is about 2-hours south of Columbus on st. rt 683 3or4 miles from Lake Rupert
If you can find 683 just ask someone where Barnetts live most people around here know me and can point you my way.I have had a lot of people show interest in the truck so like I sid FIRST 1000
TAKES IT....Im not real sure about putting my phone number on this page so if anyone wants it I need an e-mail address..
Thank you all for your responce and I hope you find what your looking for...
Ill check all messages tomarrow 4/11/00
after I get back from my job interview