Posted by Tim on April 21, 2000 at 00:26:20:
In Reply to: Smog Stuff posted by Charlie on April 20, 2000 at 16:27:08:
Leave it alone. Like the other response says, it is a federal offense to remove it. Here's some info. for you. A.I.R.(Air Injection Reaction)Pump more commonly refered to as a smog pump, uses about 1/3 of a H.P. to run it. It helps Lower the H/C and C/O level coming out of the tail pipe and on some vehicles even helps to lower NOx. The EGR (Exhaust Gas ReCirculation)Valve, or EGR is just how it sounds. It helps reduce the combustion temperature in the engine during ignition and thus reducing NOx. Many vehicles now run with more advanced timing then the pre EGR vehicles. This helps to not only get more power, but it improves Gas Mileage. Dis-connect this on most vehicles and you will get "One Hell of a Ping" out of the engine when you press on the Gas and you'll also flunk big time on the emmission test. The Vac. Lines are there for a reason, and are not taking away Horse Power Either. Some vehicles use a Vac. Operated EFE (Early Fuel Evaporation) Valve to help warm the fuel and air coming into the intake when the engine is cold. If you would like to start getting vapor lock or decrease your performance, then just disconnect this baby. The Charcoal Cannister allows excessive pressure in the fuel tank to vent the fumes off through the charcoal thus reducing emmissions. Next time you get gas look at the fuel nozzle set up you put into the filler. It recycles the gas fumes back into the stations tank to reduce emmisions. As far as the Catalytic Converter goes, there are two types, a 2 way Cat.(H/C & C/O) and a 3 way Cat.(H/C, C/O & NOx). Take the smog pump off and or disconnect the EGR Valve and chances are you will burn it out and cause it to plug. Don't Believe all the nonsense about emmision control devices and the unfounded reasons for removing them. If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix it. Ignorance does more harm than good!