Posted by Ron in Indiana on Sunday, January 21, 2007 at 23:19:14 :
In Reply to: Re: Poly Header Update posted by MoparNorm on Sunday, January 21, 2007 at 22:35:10 :
Well Norm if it weren't for having snow plowing accounts around here and there's that driving over the mountains in the winter... I'd love to but I'll have to pass. I worked on the PPE for 7 hours Saturday trying to get the fenders and doors to line up. They are on and bolted down but my gaps aren't what I'd like but this one was ridden hard and put away wet once to often. I'll get some new pictures on Jill's page as soon as I can. It's definately looking better than it did but still some work ahead. See my update on the PWA forum. How about those Colts?