Posted by Willy-N on Sunday, January 14, 2007 at 15:18:43 :
In Reply to: Re: Get used to it now. posted by David Sherman on Sunday, January 14, 2007 at 13:00:00 :
Last winters melt was fast and it filled up allmost to over flowing the banks. It barely droped a couple feet during the summer. So when this snow melts it will over flow the banks big time and might fill up a few lower ponds it feeds when it is full. It is now back to 1,500 ft long by 800 ft wide and allmost 10 ft deep in the middle giving me plenty of water to fight fires with. I have a Perminent Draft Pipe setting back by the fence to put back in when the snows gone for filling the Tender with. There is over 12 Million gals of water in it right now doing the math. Mark H.
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