Posted by wet coast bruce on Sunday, December 24, 2006 at 22:03:43 :
In Reply to: Poly Header Update! posted by MoparNorm on Sunday, December 24, 2006 at 20:27:13 :
Are you building them for power or looks ? I have built my share of headers and they tri Y headers produce more power than the 4 into ones do . The four into one headers start to work about or around the RPM range that is redline . Kinda dumb . A good set of headers should have good flow and increase the HP , torque and fuel milage at the rpm range that the engine usualy runs at . The tri Y set up usualy fits the bill. A cross over pipe within 2 feet of where the pipes all join (header flange ) will increase power and torque too . The only cost to doing this is the sound is quieter than with split pipes .
While you are at it make some windage trays . <GGG>