Posted by Ugg (in Uggville) at IL on Monday, December 18, 2006 at 12:38:43 :
In Reply to: Re: hey tom p of ill THANKS!! posted by Tom Petroff (IL) on Monday, December 18, 2006 at 04:44:32 :
Yeah Tom:
Very good luck this Thursday. Hope yours is better than mine. ;>)
Great talkin to ya the other day. Lookin forward to meetin ya one day, face to face. Maybe at Fairfield. We finally got the tent off the Beast. Replaced all the twisted pieces with some heavy guage steel. For a while there, I thought I joined yours and Tom's knee club.
I jumped off the Beast's runningboard, and as I hit the ground, the pain went shooting thru. All I saw was red. I could barely make it back into the house on my own. Now I'm stuck inside as the stairs are even worse than they were before.
After a day with Ace bandages and ice packs, I think it's just twisted (sprained), and not torn. WHEW! Still I'm stuck inside for a bit. I have a neurologist appointment at the VA tomorrow, so we'll see what happens then.
Man, it's a good thing I got my wife's computer online again, or I'd be totally cut off from the outside world. Now I NEED to work on the network thingy so I'll be able to get to my files on my computer. That ought to be fun as I don't know squat about computers. HA!
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