Posted by mannyc on Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 14:56:43 :
In Reply to: The decay of civilization posted by apb (in NY) on Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 12:27:35 :
the real world is that driving a tractor trailer is becoming less and less attractive for a driver. where it was once a lifetime profession it is now not seen that way. there are many other opportunities that pay better and involve less effort. the insurance companies make it hard for new drivers to get jobs (they often cant get a job without 2-3 years exp) and the carriers are under extreme price pressure to get goods to market. installing whatever it takes to save transmissions and get a load from point a to point b is a good thing for the hiring company. so is anything else they need to do to attract and retain drivers. sure, everyone should know how to drive a dual range transmission, build a teepee, live off the land, properly defend their honor in a duel, but when the guy shows up to your yard eager to work with offers from 10 other companies, you better have a better vehicle to offer.