Posted by mikey stone Idaho (aka COTWM) on Sunday, December 10, 2006 at 08:44:06 :
In Reply to: Re: you need 6.5x16 wheels for the 9.00x16 tires posted by JoeS on Sunday, December 10, 2006 at 08:27:28 :
there is no mention on cabel's site as the
9.00x16 was only on T137 (aka flat fender)
power wagons, M37s, and 3/4ton, 1.5ton WWII
WC truck
standard tire was 7-15.5 with an option of
a wise thing to do would be to find out what
wheels are on the truck and then you could
get the correct size tire
as a note all .5dimensioned wheels are tubeless ie 16.5 17.5 19.5 etc. even size
16,17,18 etc tires DO NOT FIT ON THESE WHEELS