Posted by Randy Baker on Friday, December 08, 2006 at 11:34:34 :
In Reply to: Oil Seal Removal Help.... posted by Kevin in Rehoboth on Friday, December 08, 2006 at 10:40:14 :
There are some guys that have used seal pullers with some success. I made a puller buy welding a piece pipe to a piece of flat stock that is just under the size of the seal. Ten I welded a nut on the other end. I drilled holes in the flat stock and screw that in several places to the seal. Then I screw a bolt down thru the nut and it pushes against the pinion shaft which in turn sucks the seal out. It has been a long time so I don't remember all of the measuremnts but I can send you a picture of it if you would like. I would think it would take more heat than you would want to apply to do any good, I wouldn't do that.
Randy Baker
Winters, CA