Posted by David Sherman on Sunday, December 03, 2006 at 6:10PM :
In Reply to: Bed finish question posted by Kaegi on Sunday, December 03, 2006 at 6:02PM :
If cost is no object, go to a marine dealer and ask them for the best deck finish. I'm not sure why you don't want varnish (true marine varnish is really good), but a top-quality penetrating oil finish, if renewed frequently when the wood is bone-dry, will also be good. Doug fir, even VG clear old-growth, is softer than the traditional white oak and is more succeptible to rot. Sorry I don't know any particular brand names, but if you go to a marine supply place, especially an industrial one, they should have some really good suggestions. There's no wood that has to stand up to more adverse conditions than the deck of a boat.