Posted by Paul Cook in Kempner, Texas on Wednesday, November 29, 2006 at 7:22PM :
In Reply to: Paul Cook is going to wup on you... posted by MoparNorm on Wednesday, November 29, 2006 at 5:04PM :
I am not going to whup up on anyone - except the marketing staff at D/DC. I have repeatedly said that folks who need the towing power of a diesel should get a diesel.
I just can't see myself pulling a Power Wagon on a trailer behind my Power Wagon in terrain that justifies the disconnecting sway bar. What's the RTI for a truck with a trailer? - and the approach, break over, and departure angles for that combination rig?
I really wonder if the extra weight of the diesel in an OTHERWISE STOCK Power Wagon would make a difference going through the log pit at Hollister. Of course, I had NO OTHER Power Wagons to compare with.
Personally, if cross country ability is a high priority, I believe the choice of locking EITHER axle afforded by ARB air lockers (or their equivalent) may be preferable to the Rear or Front/Rear choice of the electric lockers.
The body sheet metal (Painted white for easy identification) is not warranteed for what I do to it on the trail. Everything else is fixed with the cell phone that I carry instead of tools and spare parts.
Finally, I have to admit my impoverishment. I was just able to pay for the gas powered Power Wagon. That difference is the same as the diesel option.
Ron Ramies has a Power Wagon ($6000 extra) with a diesel (another $5000). For the same money he could equip a standard Ram 2500 4x4 with two diesel engines, each driving a separate axle. Go to to see the rest of the modifications and options Ron added. I wonder who got the 12,000# winch he took off. I would like to have gone "dumpster diving" at his place. It is amazing all the modifications he had to make just to set his Power Wagon up for some occasional hunting trips and to pull a car trailer. He didn't say the trailer was going cross country, but that trailer was part of his reason for upgrading his Power Wagon.
The forums are filled with folks who want to put a Viper V-10 in a WDX with the goal of going 140 mph. They have every right to do that - provided some bureaucrat doesn't require safety certification by an automotive engineer (Don't read this out loud if you are in a "big brother" state where "they" might be listening.) I'm real happy with having all my running Power Wagons being stock. When I get into rock climbing, all that will surely change. Then watch out for the old guy!
NOTE: Old guy or Pretty guy - that's how to tell the Paul's apart. The Old guy is sweet, the Pretty guy makes sweet.
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