Posted by Joe Lorenzino on Sunday, November 26, 2006 at 11:08AM :
In Reply to: Re: FFPW Winch Bed Geometry Quandray posted by lurker on Saturday, November 25, 2006 at 6:15PM :
The winch is the original Braden MU2 that came with the truck, but is now mounted behind the cab and chain driven by via the original PTO. The engine will stall before there is any movement of the poles, so it must be a problem with the geometry. I can dust the fresh snow off of the truck and take photos today, but have no way of posting them here. I can email them to you, or anyone else who could post them.
After looking at a few more bed trucks yesterday, I am starting to be of the opinion that there is not enough distance and/or height between the pivot point of the poles and the end of the deck. The poles mount at the very back end of the deck, very close to the top of the dead roll. I think this results in little or no mechanical advantage for the winch to start to pull the poles up. If I can get it to start today (weather is bright, sunny, wind SE at 30k AND -22 degrees C)I am going to try putting a short timber between the cable and the dead roll/skirt on the deck to see if it makes any difference. If that works, then it will be easy to make a steel "spacer" that pins onto the skirt when I need to stand the poles. If it doesn't work, then the tail block may be too far back. I am thinking that there needs to be at least one "crown pulley diameter" between the tail block and the pole pivot, and as much again between the pole pivot and the back edge of the deck.
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