Posted by jim in n.y. on Saturday, November 25, 2006 at 2:41PM :
In Reply to: Looking for NP 54X 5spd OD Trans posted by steve kadisak on Saturday, November 25, 2006 at 2:09PM :
hi steve welcome to the forum.i'm not an expert by any means but you are looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack.the np 540 o/d trannys are scarce.and i would hazzard a guess that it would not bolt up to the 435 will probably need to modify your drive shaft no matter what you change to. there are lots of options for an o/d trans but you would need to be more specific about your drive train.( 2wd or 4wd, married t/c , divorced t/c, ect.)transmission makers such as clark, np, and spicer all made o/d's but it's all the little things that can make the swap very difficult and very expensive.probably the most versatile are the SAE bellhousings.if you are running a 2wd i would reccomend an auxilliary trans that will split your gears as well as offer an o/d. email me off line if you would like any more help. or at least as much as this humble scribe can offer. jim.
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