Posted by Ugg at IL on Saturday, November 11, 2006 at 8:33AM :
In Reply to: Could any of you done better? posted by S Andersen on Friday, November 10, 2006 at 5:52PM :
S Andersen:
I guess I didn't esplain myself well. I didn't say that Gore or Kerry could do better, I just said they have a better sense of actual combat. They're politicians, and politicians go whichever way the wind blows best for THEM, not us. About Iraq, they, as well as us, were mislead and LIED to about the situation there at the time.
Saddam was/is an asshole and deserves to die a slow, very painful death, not the quick hangin he'll get. We didn't go there when he killed the Kurds of Shite's (although our military people begged HW to do so). This is just history.
Saddam also has done more wrong than I care to think about. The point I was trying to make was AT THE TIME we went there, he was layin low. There are many other asshole rulers thru out our planet that also deserve to die a slow painful death. Are we gonna send our troops over to these places just because they are who they are?
Again S., I was talkin about At The Time. What was they real reason for us going there? Saddam was NO threat to us at the time. Owsama was/is. We diverted much needed resourses to go after Saddam. He had NOTHING to do with 911.
Now he did send money to the family's of the suicide bombers that struck Israel, one of our staunchest allies (who it looks like we may cut to the wind soon), but his regime was very repressive, and he didn't allow the fundimentalist to take hold. It was bad for him. He also kept Iran at bay. Do ya think we'd be talkin about them havin nukes if he was still in power? But really, that's enough about this. What's happened, happened, and we can't change it.