Posted by Brett in AK on Monday, November 06, 2006 at 12:12PM :
In Reply to: The freeze plug dilemma (problem) posted by PittMan on Sunday, November 05, 2006 at 2:53PM :
Once upon a time I had just installed a new freeze plug heater in my Mopar 383 and shortly afterwards the engine went south. Not a problem, overhauled the engine and reinstalled the new (now used freeze plug heater). Went for test drive watching gauges intently. Ten miles from home noticed huge cloud of steam following my Dodge truck. Checked water temp gauge, just fine. Stopped and raised hood and freeze plug heater had blown out. Wasn't enough water in block to heat temp sender. Long walk home. And yes the heater was correctly and tightly installed. Moral of story, never repeat never reuse a freeze plug heater.
Now older, some would say a little wiser albeit with less money!
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