Posted by Kaegi on Monday, October 30, 2006 at 12:00PM :
In Reply to: Maximum Speed.... posted by Kevin in Rehoboth on Monday, October 30, 2006 at 8:34AM :
I have run freeway for years with 230 flatheads in 5.83 geared Dodge WCs and FFPWs. On an excellent engine I will wind it up to 50 to 55. But they are very noisy. They can do it but it will wear out an old engine real fast. when I rebuild them I shave the head shaved a bit to raise compression and put in a larger cam shaft, balance the engine, and sometimes enlarge the jet in the carb. All those things make highway driving much easier. If you have the 6 blade fan that is much noisier than the later 4 blade. The six blade is a better fan for off road though. I think 1951 is when the switched to the 4 blade.