Are there any foundry's in Medford?

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Posted by Jonas on March 14, 19100 at 14:18:11:

In Reply to: Re: how much are helitool power brake and steering conversions posted by Ray@Helitool on March 11, 19100 at 23:01:03:

First off let me say I am sorry to hear about the passing of your mother even though we have never met. And dont get me wrong about what I am trying to say here either as you provide a valuable service to us and we really appreciate it. It's just that I know of so many people who have lost jobs because manufacturing has moved overseas. I am probably the only person in my family who looks to see if the shirt I am purchasing was made in the U.S.A.! I am a union worker. I dont want to open up a whole can of worms here but Americans need jobs. I'm not bashing you, and I hope I havent offended you. I just wanted to give my opinion.

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