Posted by Joe Cimoch on March 03, 2000 at 16:30:28:
A few people have been asking how to post pictures on the forum, as well as how to get pictures posted on the web site.
Simply put, to have pictures show up on the forum you need to:
1. Have space available on your server
2. Be able to transfer your picture files to your server
3. Be able to put the URL of the picture thats on your server in the box next to where it says "Optional Image URL" when you are posting a message.
If this isn't something you do every day, it can be frustrating to accomplish.
So, what I've done is to start a mailing list for circulating pictures to supplement the Forum. Its just a regular mailing list that I'm trying out while its free, and its a lot easier for people to send pictures.
The way it works is that you subscribe to the list, if you want to send OR receive messages from the other list members. All you need to do is send an email to after you subscribe , and you can send and receive emails with the pictures attached.
A few things to keep in mind:
1. Picture files can get big, the bigger the file, the longer it will take everyone to open their mail. Keep your files 25K-75K.
2. Use a photo editor like Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, or Microsoft Photo Editor, to keep the pictures sized, there are free programs on places like (multimedia tools | image editors) and softseek
3. You'll need a scanner or digital camera to get pictures in the right format - use jpg, it compresses down well, and can be viewed in your mail reader
4. If you are scanning use a low resolution like 72 or 100 dpi
Its also easy to unsubscribe or stop receiving mail through a web page.
There is a great list for Dodge Town Wagons, and it works real well. Its used for discussion and pictures.
If you would like to give it a try go to
Or click on the link below, after you sign in you will get an email asking to confirm your request, just reply, and you will be on your way.