Posted by Fred Coldwell on March 19, 2000 at 18:34:00:
In Reply to: PTOs, splitter boxes, winches posted by John Hearsey on March 18, 2000 at 21:25:39:
it has the 205 transfer case with the 6 bolt PTO opening. The standard 6 bolt PTO from Dodge for the 205 transfer case had only one PTO stub shaft, not 2 like the discontinued 10 bolt PTO. So, I imagine the 205 PTO was installed on the firetruck with it's single drive stub shaft towards the rear. I don't know why it was not installed with ther stub shaft facing forward and going directly to the LU-2 winch. Perhap the firetruck also had a pump or other piece of equipment behind the splitter box that had to be driven by the stub shaft coming out the rear of the splitter box. Anyway, the splitter box was used on the '69 W300 to get a drive shaft going forward to the LU-2. It probably would not have been necessary to install a splitter box on a 58-69 W300 having the 201 transfer case with a dual stub (front and rear) 10 bolt PTO. Happy winching!