Posted by katzbalger on Saturday, September 09, 2006 at 10:58PM :
So, today I jump in the M37 and get no more than a mile down the road and BAM... ignition failure !
I just put in a replacement "star" coil last year after having the same problem again. Then, I contibuted to a time where I left the ignition switch on (without engine running) for a couple of hours.
Well, when I picked up a replacement from Bob Stahl, I got a spare, just in case.
Good thing I did. And good thing I had it w/ me.
Had it changed in less than 20 minutes.
Question is...
Are these coils 24 volts?
There is absolutely no 411 printed on them.
I know there made in china.
It seems questionable that one would burn out so quickly, especially since I haven't left my ignition switch on since the last time.
What other manufacturers make a replacement coil that I don't need to worry so much about.
Obviously, one made in the US would be nice.
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