Posted by chriscase on Friday, September 08, 2006 at 10:11AM :
In Reply to: cooling question/help! posted by DoDgE BoY - MaDe in the USA on Friday, September 08, 2006 at 1:12AM :
As part of the fording system, everything (tank,master cyl,etc)vents to the crankcase with little lines. And there is a valve in the gas cap. If set to open, works like a regular car. Is set to 'fording'. the cap is sealed. If the little vent lines are plugged, and the cap is sealed, vapor lock!
Check the cap, then if it happens again, try loosening the cap and listen for a woosh of incoming air.
There should be a pipe plug in the glove box. It is for the drin in the bottom of the flywheel cover. Put it in for fording, remove and stow so as to vent the clutch the rest of the time.