Posted by keithmerk on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 at 11:49AM :
In Reply to: Junk Mitsubishi wanted posted by bryan on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 at 6:43PM :
Just remember that A bunch of the small engines in the newer Crysler products are engine made by mitsubitchy. All of the 3.0 and smaller come right off the floor of the plant in Japan.
I agree with the posts about how dumb we are to defeat them and the make them rich. I saw an article the other day about all the countries in the world and how they are doing finiancially. US was at the bottom with the biggest deficit and Japan was at the top with the largest profit. If we made them pay us back for all the help we gave them then we would still be in a deficit but it wouldn't be as bad as it is now.
I wonder if we could ever do that, make everyone pay us back for what we gave them, I mean banks make aveage citizens pay back what they owe why should the feds do anything different? If we are the best run and most prosperous nation then why are we so far in debt? I understand that bills have to be paid and the employees of the government need to feed thier kids also but I think we should have those who owe our nation should pay back.
I have a list of people whose fat we have pulled out of the fire and a shorter list of those whose we haven't. The short list is only two cuba (they won't let us send aid/tourism) and ........ Well I'm sure there has to be another one somewhere I just don't know the name right now. Every other country we have assisted them in some way or another usually it's financially sometime with the military and sometimes both. I stil will never visit France or those other europe nations that wouldn't support us when we back to war with saddam and tried to stamp out terrorism in afganistan. We should have pulled our troops out of those countries and left them without aid when they said no to us. Just as a parent would do to a wayward child who came in and asked for cash after not doing thier chores or helping with whatever
Dad : Son I need you to clean out the garage with me.
Son : No chance Dad. Can I have 30 buck for the movies and a soda so I can play while you clean up my mess also. I could really use you cleaning my room and fixing my car and whiole your at it here's my list of chores why don't you just get those done also?
If your kids did this how would you react?
I'll leave it there.
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