Posted by keithmerk on Monday, August 14, 2006 at 10:38PM :
In Reply to: Need to fix this before you move on..... posted by MoparNorm on Monday, August 14, 2006 at 8:39PM :
I am aware I am in the process of smoothing the ruffled feathers of those from the city. Truck was running ahead of time and as far as her not driving it those wheels were set in motion on sunday the 6th when I couldn't get the 727 rebuilt. I realize I dropped the ball not having a plan b. What is the deal with the cheese? I don't even remember getting a email or phone call about any cheese yet I have seen two posts about cheese. I got the thing about 4 to 5 people organizing but I couldn't get anyone to back me up when I was asking for help as early as may of this year- correction MAC did call and offer to help with the food cooking at the rally itself, and several people offered advise about what we should do at the rally but not a lot of help in the execution which is kinda my bad for thinking I could be the RAINMAKER for the event.
The shirts well where to start I lost a friend over that deal. Not by my choice it was him on this one. I asked him about these back in may he said get me a design-I did. He said give a little notice- I gave him 2 months. He came to me two weeks before the event and said can't do it I asked why he said too busy I offered to help him get caught up he refused. I offered to double his fee as I knew he gave me a big cut on the fee he got mad and yelled at me for being such a big jerk about the whole thing. He told me to go elsewhere (not entirely true he swore at me and gave me specific instuctions about where to go and what to do with the shirts when I got there but I am trying not to swear anymore for my kids sake) and find someone else to do the shirts. I left and he won't talk to me anymore. From talking to some mutual friends he is mad at me for bring him this project and "expecting" him to do it for next to nothing. Need less to say that hurt more then the rest of it- I never expect anyone to do something for less then what they should get paid for thier income. I use my friends cause they are my friends. I don't ask for discounts and don't expect them if they choose to give one to me it is at thier choice not mine. so I am in the process of finding a new silk screener to do the shirts and will let you all know when I do have them. I was planning on sending out freebies to the attendees but I don't have shirts, yet. I do appreciate your suggestions and am trying to implement them but it does take a little time.
PArt of me asking about the future of the rally is for me to be able to make amends with food to the other attendees from this year. I have always been a believer in "food to sooth the savage beast" thing. I am in the process of locating a large amount of beef for steak and roast and etc for next year but If we aren't haveing a rally then there is no point in trying to do so. I think the city will smooth over but I just don't know about all the fellows and ladies here. That is the reason for the post. I want to make things right but I am trying to find a way to do so.
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