Posted by George (in Draw Tx) on Monday, August 14, 2006 at 7:35PM :
With all the nashing of teeth over the rally in Williams AZ, I feel we have left something very important out. The City of Williams AZ blocked off 4 city blocks of downtown commerce along Route 66 for the whole weekend, just for us. Furthermore, they had big "Welcome Power Wagon Rally" banners around town, articles in the local paper, and some very nice people that went so far as to have us all over for steaks at their house one night! Personally, I was disappointed that things didn't work out better, but we all had a good time anyway! I accept Keith's apologies, and understand that things happen. I think not calling and letting someone know is irresponsible, but my biggest concern about that is how the City of Williams AZ feels about that. I'm personally embarressed about what the Citizens of Williams AZ must think of Power Wagon enthusiasts after all they did getting ready for us. Williams is probably the nicest place I've ever been for a rally. It would be a real shame if we can't go there again. I hope the city of Williams AZ, and the local Dodge enthusiasts that were there, know how much we really appreciated their hospitality, and what a great place they have! Thank you Williams AZ!
George Scott
Draw TX
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