Posted by Will (in IL now) on Sunday, August 13, 2006 at 10:06AM :
Guys, I need to get time (during the week) to call the heater supplier and get a quote/sizing from them, but as work goes I seem to not have a lot of time to do so. So her I am looking through some info/site and trying to make determine the BTU requirements so I can tell the contractor who is installing my gas line so he can install a large enough line to get the gas the 300+ feet from the meter to the shop.
Any of you have any experience in this or recommendations. The one site I found ( gave me a 163K BTU for a 30 deg increase on a 54'x'48'x14' Average Insulated average leakage area.
I'm planning on installing the IR Tube heaters (2) in the Shop .
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