Posted by keithmerk on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 6:57PM :
In Reply to: "Keep the people scared, they'll vote for me to lead them t posted by chriscase on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 6:14PM :
That my friend is called CAPITALISM. WE all continue to support it as we continue to make/sell/buy anything for that little substance known as money. Everyone wants more of it,and no one will give it away for free. A popular song once said "The best things in life are free, but you can give that to the birds and the bees."
We are all capitalists and I hope we will continue to be. That is how the economy grows-by people spending money. The more money spent the stronger our economy is. As money is spent wages are paid. Wages are paid bills get paid and goods and services are bought. Which in turn pays more then spends more.... get the jest of it. The only issue is when folk stop spending and start saving more. We are a nation of consumers-not producers. If you think I am wrong then what is the #1 thing our country produces? The answer is money. in the form of interest and investments. More money is made with and about money then anything else. More millionaires come from the money industry then any other.
So keep spending stop worring about global warming. If the scientists are right then there is nothing we can do but get hotter. If they are wrong then there is nothing we can do but get cooler. If I am right then all we can do is stay the same and keep driving our Power Wagons!!!!!!