Posted by Tim Holloway on Wednesday, July 05, 2006 at 6:52AM :
Maui Dave sent me a bunch of cool pictures to post here. Lots of the monster steam engine, a very nice command car, a Russian Power Wagon etc. etc. Take a look! Tim
Follow Ups: Nice! - Marty 2:58PM 07/05/2006 Re: Here are a bunch of pictures of Maui Daves stuff! - Kaegi 1:40PM 07/05/2006 Re:the view!! - 68427vette 12:52PM 07/05/2006 Re: Here are a bunch of pictures of Maui Daves stuff! - Bill K. 10:09AM 07/05/2006 Re: Here are a bunch of pictures of Maui Daves stuff! - mannyc 11:25AM 07/05/2006 Re: Here are a bunch of pictures of Maui Daves stuff! - Ugg at IL 10:21AM 07/05/2006 Re: Here are a bunch of pictures of Maui Daves stuff! - Tim Holloway 1:18PM 07/05/2006 Russian PW - apb (in NY) 9:30AM 07/05/2006 Russian tires - Lebowski 1:40AM 07/06/2006
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